Roles Reversed
By naf2209
  • Humor
  • angelineevergreen
  • badgirl
  • nerdyguy


Angelina Evergreen. Sounds likes the girliest name possible. When you think of the name Angelina, you probably think of a girl who wore girly outfits, the highest of heels and the pinkest lipsticks. Sucks to be you then, because you thought wrong. Very wrong. Meet Angelina Evergreen. The official player of the school. Usually, it would have been a guy who was the player. But not at this school. Angelina practically runs the school she attends. She's one hell of a feisty girl, who can get anything she wants whenever she wants it. Angelina hooks up with them, then after a week she never talks to the guy again. Best thing is she doesn't fear any of them. Being a black belt in karate does have its advantages. She wasn't always like this. Something changed her yet no one knows what. Will the so called nerd, Niall Anderson, be able to change the bad ways of Angelina? And will he be able to find out what caused the change in attitude? **ps: i don't mean to offend anyone with the name Angelina. i love the name Angelina and only said it was a girly name as an effect for my story


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Roles Rev...
by naf2209