Alpha Asshole
By jvaenuku
  • Romance
  • asshole
  • hate
  • love
  • notgoodenough
  • vampire
  • werewolf


"Baby... what you heard between me and Derek was taken out of context." He pauses as if searching for words to better explain his actions but due to the hurt radiating through my chest I interrupt him again. "I heard enough Hunter you said I can't be your mate because I was human. You said that the moon goddess messed up when she decided to pair you with a pathetic human who wouldn't even be able to handle a simple pregnancy. And despite what you think I wasn't completely shattered when I heard this or when you made a half assed effort to reject me. What shattered me was all the pain you put me through because you refused to fully reject me and wouldn't tell me how to accept your rejection to stop the pain." As I continued to speak I think I saw guilt flash through Hunter's eyes but knew that that was just wishful thinking. "I know you have no regard for me whatsoever and again that is okay but if you had any compassion or empathy in your body you should have left me alone and fully rejected me because every time you had sex with her I was in pain, every pregnancy pain she went through I was in pain and that just hammered home how little I meant to you." I finished with a whisper and in a rush of self preservation I unbuckled my seat belt and quickly climbed out of the car. He had hurt me so badly.... why had he come back, and why did he suddenly want me again??

Part 1

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Alpha Ass...
by jvaenuku