Book Log of a Non-r...
By neonixel
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This is the journey of a teenager who barely read growing up, and who is taking the time to grow as a person (and a reader) and documenting it into a book log. This book log only includes books I read in my free time and not books that was assigned to me for school. I include the basics: title, genre, dates of when I read it (I read slow, don't @ me I have school lmao), but the juicy stuff is in my review of the book. I'm pretty informal and I don't type like a critic, and probably don't rate like one, but who fucking cares. I plan to keep this going until I graduate from high school. And I will definitely look at this in the future. I love interaction and attention so if you want to recommend books, discuss the books I've read, or anything irrelevant GO FOR IT! I love it. Anyway I'm done talking, enjoy the ride!

The Bluest Eye

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Book Log...
by neonixel