My War Song -Unfini...
By Darknightkyloren
  • Fantasy
  • horses
  • magic
  • romance
  • warriors
  • worldproblems


What if there was a world like no other with dazzling stars at night and lovely blue sky's at day? WHAT is on this world in a race of humans that call themselves the Keepers? What if this so called world was beautiful until just two years ago when it all started the world of Head Keeper it started in year 2,606 and no one knows when it will end all we know is that if no one stops it your world will become mutch like the planet called earth. Cold and Dark with no being able to live on it. Now we will follow the path of a young girl and friends in hope that one day they can stop the war and make the world happy once more.

Chater 1: The Unknown Path

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My War So...
by Darknightkyloren