The Boys in the For...
By xXSnowy327Xx
  • Vampire
  • 4some
  • bloodlines
  • boyxboy
  • boyxboyromance
  • boyxboyxboyxboy
  • family
  • familyproblems
  • forest
  • gay
  • vampiersmate
  • woods


(boyxboyxboyxboy) story No like no read Ash a twink, goes out in the forest that the town fears more than death. They don't go in the forest because it's haunted by 3 handsome boys. If one of the boys see you it is know that you will be haunted for 3 days then die and no one knows were the body's go in tell they are found in there beds 3 days later drained of blood. there are signs saying keep out, don't go in, and you go in you die. but Ash's thinks it's all bull shit he does not care and goes in all the time it's his safe place to get away from all the bully's and his family. The 3 boys have waited 276 years for there soulmate but are surprised that she is a HE and that they have to share or not have a soulmate.

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The Boys...
by xXSnowy327Xx