By rikkygirl
  • Romance
  • cheerleader
  • chemistry
  • chicklit
  • cliche
  • fate
  • fiction
  • handsome
  • humor
  • love
  • newgirl
  • newgirlinschool
  • notanerd
  • popular
  • rich
  • romance
  • swimming
  • teenfiction


(Formerly known as Just Another Love Story) Fine! I admit I had not wanted to move here at first. But my mama always said to make lemonade when life gives you lemons. So, there I was, gathering lemons to make some lemonade when this guy walked into my life and created an explosion. It was chemistry. It was a combustion. The moment he walked in, sparks were flying everywhere. He was sizzling hot, and I was never one to turn down some warmth. He was oxygen and I wanted to breathe him in. He was the fucking tornado, and I wanted to whirl within him. He was fire, and I was the rain. I've heard that those two don't mix well at all. But apparently, opposite attracts. And when the universe wants you to love, the love could make a bomb explode. But even the universe isn't always fair. So, at times, the universe will give you lemons you can't make into lemonade. The universe added in his bitchy girlfriend and somewhat arrogant mother. They were the lemons I could not turn into lemonade. And they were set on not letting any chemical reaction take place. But, chemistry 001 was set on taking place. And no amount of sabotage would make it stop. Sheila Jordan and Jeffrey Stars were chemical equations that would definitely happen.

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by rikkygirl