Blood Seared With F...
By lightning_alexander
  • Poetry
  • creativepassion
  • dancer
  • fire
  • painter
  • singer
  • writer


Four creative artists - the Writer, the Painter, the Singer, and the Dancer - are all normal human beings - but that depends on what your perception of 'normal' is. Because one of them is separated from the others by time and space, and the other three are on different planes of personality and worldview. One is a dreamer, one is a darkened angel, and the other is an intense burst of sun. But they all have one thing in common: blood seared with fire. As they meet and talk they get to know each other's personalities, but none of them reveals their name because of the rules they impose on themselves. The Singer is the first to break them - and their connection is broken. Join the Four on their journey to discover who their friends are and were...

The Talents

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Blood Sea...
by lightning_alexander