New Girl In The Off...
By Star_That_Shines
  • Spiritual
  • indian
  • love
  • muslim
  • newgirl
  • pain
  • spiritual
  • struggle
  • sufyaan
  • zyva


Sufyaan and Zyva's story was not a peace of cake. It was difficult for them to accept their own feelings and when they finally did, Zyva's family was the obstacle that took forever to over come. After struggling for a long time, swimming in the pool of uncertainty they finally got married. Everything was beautiful.They had many fights but they could not stay away from each other. It was a fairy tale untill the day Zyva realised that her not having a kid might take away her most precious treasure, her husband. She insecure and scared. People around her were not helping her either. They made her believe something that was not true. In her insecurities, she created a situation which never existed and pushed Sufyaan so far that it seemed impossible to return. What will happen now? Will Sufyaan leave Zyva? Will Zyva realise her mistake? Will they ever forget what happened? Many possibilities, just one answer. Turn the pages to read. 4th book in the new girl series.


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New Girl...
by Star_That_Shines