UnderGuard *G!Frans*
By EkoingSkies
  • Fanfiction
  • action
  • colab
  • drama
  • ekoiingskies
  • frans
  • underguard
  • wattpride
  • wolfixwritesut


Teenager Frisk falls into the underground and comes face to face with monsters, befriending them, and eventually makes her way out of the underground. Yada yada yada... BUT Frisk doesn't go on her journey alone. Once she fell, a strange monster suddenly seems to be pulled from wherever he was against his will and is forced to her aid. Once Frisk and this monster (G!Sans) meet, they immediately hate each other due to certain ... circumstances. To this pair's misfortune, G ends up being bonded to Frisk by 'Guardianship'. In this world, Guardians are protectors to their assigned human, forced to be by their side and to give their life to keep them out of harm's way. So, with G practically given no choice but to stick by Frisk, (no matter how much it blows on his end, what with a grudge against an unknown source), the two set out on their journey through the traitorous Underground. Though they can't help but drive each other crazy, they also grow a bond as they progress through it all, learning more about G's Guardianship, and about the power deep within Frisk's soul. But...what else lies behind the contract G is damned to follow?


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by EkoingSkies