hella gAy acttion m...
By JoggulloPafferino
  • Poetry
  • acttion
  • gay
  • hella
  • mann


Open/Closed: Open Species Name: Space Gnome and Space Priests (Jewish Style) Lifespan: 28 Days EXACT (unless they make lotsa money or are priests [priests live for 28 more days]) General Appearance: they all look the same, wear the same clothes. priests look like the pope, but with kippahs and rainbow robes Varying Appearance: they're gnomes Species Size: Average Lad - 2'4'', Priest [Chad] - 10'4'' Population: 10 (declining) Species Nature: chaotic evil History: hold on hold on they started when so there's this building and there's a sign on it and on the sign there were gnomes sexing [standing on top of each other] and then they became gnomes [lads] and priests [chads] and then the priests decided to oversee trials and give coupons right right? yeah exactly Trivia: they have sex by standing on top of each other until another one decides to appear on day 20 they all multiply and become 20, but then they die they come from russia [the planet] priests rub their kippahs viciously to make a new gnome a female space gnome or priest gnome is equivalent to a space gnome and priest gnome standing next to each other

The Begunning

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hella gAy...
by JoggulloPafferino