The Legacy
By OliviaSmirl
  • Teen Fiction
  • captain
  • hatelove
  • hockey
  • love
  • romance
  • teen


*part of the NAHBAB series but you don't need to read those to understand everything in this story. This is an epilogue of sorts.* Following in her Dad's, Jack Vella, footsteps, Max Vella works hard to prove that she belongs on the Colby Hill Jaguar hockey team even if she's a girl. And by her Senior year all her hard work pays off as she is voted team Captain and is expected to lead the team to State. This year is her year and nothing is going to stand in her way. That is until... Bo Preston, Captain of their rival team the Mighty Bears, transfers to Colby Hill. He's arrogant and cocky, and used to getting his way. Determined to see Max fall, Bo does everything he can to uproot everything that Max had built. The two clash heads and the peace Max had before vanishes. She has to fight once again to keep her team together in order to win State but with another captain among her midst will the she be able to work with him to lead the team to victory or will they end up tearing the team apart?


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The Legac...
by OliviaSmirl