Bullet flag
By Iodon53
  • Fanfiction
  • basicllyido407
  • bigjigglypanda
  • brohm
  • cartoonz
  • daithidecalibre
  • gorillaphent
  • h2ovanoss
  • minicat
  • pewdiecry
  • septiplier
  • silentdroid
  • smitty


The Banana Bus Squad have all come to a forest resort, to take a break from YouTube and see each other in person. During their stay they find out that the resort owner also owns a Capture the Flag arena just an hour away from the resort itself. Determined to bond with each other once more before they all go back home, they decided to have one round of Capture the Flag. But what happens when the other team goes against the rules, and the game turns to a blood bath? (Ships: H2ovanoss, Minicat, daithidecaliber, terrornuckle, basicallyido407, brohm,) (And our lovely loners: BigJigglyPanda, CaRtOoNz, Smitty, SilentDroid{cause I can}, and Gorillaphent.) All right to the artworks belts the original artists, I will let you guy's know if I draw the image.

Landing (Mini Ladd)

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Bullet fl...
by Iodon53