10 Ways to Fall Out...
By ConfessorJess
  • Romance
  • awesome
  • fall
  • humor
  • love
  • out
  • romance
  • ten
  • ways


I, Bella Rose Ray, have officially gone insane. Why, you might ask? Well maybe it's because for the first time in ten years my best guy friend Cameron Dustan, who I might add only see's me as a sister (I think), goes away for the holidays and decides to come back HOT! Yes, see now you get it. I have suddenly become one of those girls who sit there and drool at a guy while they sit there watching you wondering if they should lock you up in a loony bin. Except for the fact that my best friend is completely oblivious to all of this, he probably thinks it's a girl thing and he should just leave me be. In fact it would be a good idea if we weren't so close. Which brings me back to the problem. I have exactly 10 weeks to fall out of love with my best friend so that I don't completely stuff things up for us and the whole world! (Ok so maybe not the whole world but pfft details). So basically let's see if this works or if I just manage to stuff things up completely as always.

10 Ways to Fall Out of Love

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10 Ways t...
by ConfessorJess