the tale of verse s...
By handsomestorm
  • Fanfiction
  • gust
  • omaga
  • storm
  • writer


(so basically you learn about my oc and my brothers oc living in pony ville) hello my name is verse storm universe me and my brother 'handsomestorm #2' are moving in pony ville me and my brother are moving to pony ville for one reason and its the only reason we are alicorn princes we are moving there to start fresh and help others meaning were gonna pose as normal every day ponies going to work meaning we gonna hid our wing so no one gets suspicious we are really excites about it WARNING: this will be intense if your thinking dirty thoughts than rethink that i don't do dirty writing its gross did i mantion that i have shipped twivers and raristorm in this story (not gonna give fool detail in this story )

me and my brothers 2 Daceded sleep

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the tale...
by handsomestorm