A Story Underground
By SkyeGreen6
  • Fanfiction
  • addednote
  • doctorgaster
  • flowey
  • frisk
  • justfun
  • kingasgore
  • noprofit
  • oldverison
  • sample
  • sans
  • sansxfrisk
  • spoilers
  • tobyfoxdontsueme
  • tobyfoxscharacters
  • toriel
  • undertale


Undertale related. I'll be uploading a brand new fan fiction that is Undertale related. I will do my best with writing this, and trying to be as creative as I possibly can be with this story! I have to warn you readers that some of the story elements will share the same kind of story elements as the game will, but there will be an added twist or bonus to the story! I'll try my best with writing different plot lines and story elements, but I can't make any promises! The name may change as well, but as of right now the title is what it is! Enjoy! I own nothing; all characters and story elements belong to Toby Fox! Also, one last thing; PLEASE DON'T PUT HATE COMMENTS ANYWHERE!!!! That will not be tolerated! Thank-you! PLEASE BE NICE! Thank you! Also, I may not make this closely related to the game! Sure, I'll have most of the same events happen that happened in the game, but I want more creativity out of it than just that! The only thing that's published right now is a little sample of the story! And yes; this was something that was going to be a possible ending for this story! However, that may change! This whole story might change, but I'll still use the same characters and maybe even the same premise. I just want to switch things up a bit! P.S. IF this gets enough reads from readers, I will put up the most updated version of Undertale on here! I wrote and rewrote this Fan fiction at least three different times (so yes, I even have many different versions of the same story). As of right now however, I'm not so sure if I should put on here my most updated version. I don't know if enough people will like it, and I know that everyone has their different things that they are into. I'm just saying; if enough people like the sample; then you have my word; I'll put on my most updated version of my fan fiction for Undertale! I'll even complete it this time (none of the versions I wrote were done, but one of the versions was very close to being done). Thank you!

A Sample From Frisk

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A Story U...
by SkyeGreen6