The Savage Brother:...
By Nqchristine18
  • Fanfiction
  • diaboliklovers
  • lovetriangle
  • smuttyfanfic
  • smutwarning
  • supernatural
  • yaoifanfic


WARNING YUI IS A BITCH IN THIS FANFIC! SORRY YUI FANS :( Sequel from the first book of the savage brother Ever since the defeat of Cordelia and Richter, everything has changed with Yuu Komori when he is resurrected as a full blooded vampire by Christa and Beatrix. After the defeat of Cordelia and Richter, nothing has changed with the Sakamakis or Yui, but Yuu meets one of Yuma's brothers Kou and Ruki in school. Yuu starts to get suspicious about the Mukamis and Yuma except he knew Yuma and his brothers are half vampires. However while riding back from night school, all of them soon got themselves into an accident during the night where Yuu and the Sakamakis knew it was the Mukamis that cause the accident. Annnnd things get SO MUCH WORST when Yui is kidnapped by the Mukamis. Great, so great. Yup this is going to be one hell of a sequel alright. But how would Yuu find his dumbass sister? What happens if Yuu got himself in a love triangle between Yuma and Ayato? Who will he choose? Find out in the sequel of The Savage Brother! (Completed in Dec. 3rd 2017)

Chap.1: The Aftermath.....

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The Savag...
by Nqchristine18