A Damaged Road To N...
By SarahJames
  • Romance


So I wrote this when I was in 7th grade! A boy named Zack and his twin sister Zoey westerly are new students at a new high school because there parents jobs had them moving to Ohio. Zack and Zoey are typical brother and sister they fought about stupid stuff like who ate the last pop tart. They are 16 turning 17 and they parents are going to throw them a huge surprise party. They used to live were they moving to So they know some kids there already. They are juniors at bettington high! They meet this nice boy named Nick and his crazy out of controll brother Clayton. Its gets complacated for Zoey to be back in her home town. Zoey gets herself in to a lot on trouble and her brother trys to help her but he thinks she's too far gone And will he be able to help her?

Chapter1 Meeting Nicholas

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A Damaged...
by SarahJames