The Wife He Hates
By Asshna
  • Fanfiction
  • hatred
  • helllife
  • love
  • marriage
  • revenge


Wife for a husband is his lifelong companion, his confidant, his soulmate in the ups and downs of the journey of life but what happens when a husbands vows to torture his wife to the point she herself decides to end her life?! Find out how loathing rage gives birth to a passion, undying and unceasing. Meet Radhika. Sweeter than sugar itself, loves to spreads happiness around her. She is a courageous, morally upright, traditional yet a girl with modern outlook. She is an author by profession who has her mind of her own and vehemence to express herself. She is soon going to marry her best friend for their families have arranged their marriage and she thinks her parents know the best for her. Meet Arjun. Like everyone who has some or the other villain in their lives even Radhika has one who aims to snatch her every reason to be happy. That villainous character is none other than Arjun. He thinks everything can be brought by money and his this dim mindset has cast dark shadows on his and many others lives. He is filthy rich and he can stoop to any lengths to satisfy his ego. He does not believe in God and he makes the life of people who treat him like God on the contrary he bucks the life of people who don't. Radhika is one of those but she went too far without thinking what price she will pay in near future. Radhika has hurt his dearest ego not once but twice and for that he seeks revenge which does not let him sleep even a wink. Meet Ishaan. Though he is flirtatious but he knows his limits. He respects woman and thinks they are no less than any man. He always had a crush on Radhika and dreamed of marrying her some day. His world revolves around Radhika. She takes his breath away by her altruistic moralistic pious character. He owns a small scale catering business and he is also a Radio Jockey by the name Ehsaas. None know this secret that he is Ehsaas not even Radhika who considers him friend, philosopher and guide.


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The Wife...
by Asshna