Ordinary Dancing Wi...
By P-e-a-c-e
  • Teen Fiction
  • dancer
  • dancing
  • exception
  • fiction
  • love
  • ordinary
  • p-e-a-c-e
  • romance
  • teen


Rae Evans has always had a talent for dancing, although she has never enjoyed it. Rae believes that life is too short to pass up an opportunity like KEEPING IT REAL DANCE ACADEMY. Naturally, if she declines the nationally famous Academy she may never succeed in life. Although, Rae is only 17, she is well above the curriculum, and decides to finish Secondary School early. ‘K.I.R’ is eager to train Rae into a true ballerina, but in order to stay in the Academy where the only people here are professionals Rae must push herself to limits she never thought were possible. Just when Rae feels as if she’s been deceived by the Dance Academy itself, she meets the bizarre Drake Sinclair. Intrigued by his sexy, mysterious looks and surreal personality she decides to stay and finds herself growing a relationship with Drake. But what’s up with Drake? Why’s he acting so out of character? If Rae thought happy endings came that easily… She was very wrong.

Ordinary Dancing With The Exception Of Love!

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by P-e-a-c-e