Zombie Obsession (B...
By Gostwriter6
  • Teen Fiction


Have you ever obsessed over a Zombie before? ah no that's right I forgot that they'll probably most likely kill you for your lovely bright healthy flesh. Well I happen to be immune to Zombies no in fact I'm Attracted to Zombies yeah horrible right well I'm sorry I can't help it. I can understand them and they don't look as bad as they do in the movies with rotting skin and a sick small and pilling completions. No actually they look way color some are a radiating purple and some are blue as well a the actual color white and the actual color black and maroon. cool huh. not all eat flesh I will not allow it! I'll hunt every single flesh eating Zombie and capture it. read along on this....rotting colorful story and enjoy.

Chapter 1

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Zombie Ob...
by Gostwriter6