Hopeless| A Zombie...
By -apocalyptic-
  • Adventure
  • apocolypse
  • elliot
  • endoftheworld
  • fighter
  • followme
  • haley
  • hot
  • love
  • mature
  • romance
  • skinnylove
  • survive
  • teens
  • thewalkingdead
  • twd
  • walkers
  • zombieapocalypse
  • zombienovel


A horrible plague leaves the whole world dead, it was a simple virus, you got the fever, the shakes, and deathly pale. But what makes this virus so different is, You die. But you don't stay that way. You become a flesh hungry monster and non stop kill, with no soul, no sense of regret, nothing. You become a mindless monster wandering around the dead earth waiting for the day for someone to put you down, until then, you're nothing. Haley Phillips was a med-student before the outbreak just as she's about to graduate and become a fully licensed nurse, the world turns to shit, taking everything and everyone she's ever lived along with it, and replacing them with blood hungry monsters. She's just trying to survive along with her best friend, Travis Marsh and his girlfriend Amber White. Steal, kill, and run. Is everyday life now, so desperate for supplies and starved for help, The trio go on a supply run, only to learn they aren't the only survivors around. Elliot Burns was nothing special before the outbreak, just a simple mechanic with a shitty apartment and a forever complaining girlfriend. He was just trying to get by, But that was 7 months ago, before the outbreak, before the world went to shit, and before he met Haley. He was simply to keep watch on the small house he had occupied with his group .He sees a small figure trying to break in, cautious to raiders he aims his gun but quickly lowers it at the sight of the beautiful young girl, What he didn't know is that girl would soon mean so much to him, and he'd die to protect in the upcoming months

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by -apocalyptic-