not at fault|| 2019
By sadlylatifah
  • General Fiction
  • abuse
  • alcholism
  • broken
  • feminism
  • friendship
  • grief
  • heartbreak
  • love
  • noisno
  • romance
  • sexism
  • youngadult


Girls are portrayed as weak objects. Objects that exist for the sole purpose of pleasing the opposite gender, they're portrayed as emotionally unstable human beings who rely deeply on men. They've been stereotyped in such way since birth, where they would wear "feminine" colours and clothes. They would play with dolls and hope to one day become princesses. They can't swear, can't play sport, can't do anything but look pretty. Boys are portrayed as strong objects. Objects who can abuse others, whether it be physical, emotional, or sexually and it is justified as them being "boys". They are taught to be emotionless, to be strong, both mentally and physically. They need to like certain things and hate other things, depending on how masculine those objects are. Boys can't like boys, boys can't have feelings and they surely can't openly love their significant other. Boys couldn't cry, girls can't be emotionally strong. Boys can't be skinny, nor fat. Girls can't be too skinny but they can't be "fat" either. Boys are meant to help girls, not the other way around. Girls need to rely on boys and boys need to rely on themselves. At least, that's how it's portrayed in the media but when Aaron Williams falls in love with Isabelle Issa, all those rules get thrown out the window. Aaron shows his feelings, he cries and laughs, he respects the opposite gender and isn't ashamed of it. Isabelle swears and plays sport, she doesn't always look feminine and pretty. When Isabelle gets hurt by another man though, in a way that is justified as him being a boy and her tempting him. Their relationship slowly falls apart as Aaron tries hard to protect and fix her, no matter what.


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not at fa...
by sadlylatifah