(WARNING: SLOW UPDATES DUE TO SCHOOL) I typed in my name and address as fast as I possibly could. My hands were aching and my fingers were getting tired. I had to win, I just had to. I couldn't let my little sister down. "Chanel, stop." My mom called. I looked at her, tears in my eyes. My little sister has Cerebral Palsy. She loves One Direction more than anything in this world. Cerebral Palsy is a disorder that affects muscle tone, movement, and motor skills (the ability to move in a coordinated and purposeful way). She can't play any sports. She can hardly walk. She can't run. She is pretty much helpless. I love her nonetheless. She stays in a wheelchair all the time. The only time she gets out is to take a bath, sleep, or use the bathroom. Sometimes she goes to Physical Therapy. But we can't go to that regularly, because of the distance it takes to get there. She always has someone by her side. If it's me, my mother, or Veronica. My dad left us years ago for some whore in Las Vegas, but that didn't stop us. I was going to win this contest to meet One Direction if my life depended on it.
Chapter One