Kingdom Rush The St...
By 12th_SqUaD_Ac3
  • Adventure
  • actionpacked
  • adventure
  • awesomely-craziii
  • capture
  • castle
  • fairytail
  • fanfiction
  • fantasy
  • fantasyfiction
  • invade
  • king
  • kingdom
  • monsters
  • random
  • shortstory


Enter the World of Kingdom Rush! The story begins where Vez'nan The final boss in the game called Kingdom Rush sends attacks to your kingdom with it's dark forces including Goblins,Orcs,Demons,Mutants and many more. In the game if you had already played it's really fun..though quite short it will only add some diffuculty when you finished the game... I myself already finished it just now... 10/17/10 which means I have been playing for a long time...enough with the talk. I want to tell you that I am making an story out of it maybe week by week.. if only if its summer already😅 unfortunately it isn't sorry so...I can only make stories weekly😂 give me some reviews if you like it thanks dudes or gals🙌😊😊 And Hey Give some appreciation or all of it for IronHide Studios! Thank You for making the Game. And hey Im just a dude making a story out of the game like I said, I dont own the game but do own the story, And keep supporting me if you want more. And check my other stories! Ace Outt!

The Beginning

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Kingdom R...
by 12th_SqUaD_Ac3