Our Girl
By Shipper102002
  • Fanfiction
  • adoption
  • dontlosehope
  • family
  • life
  • love
  • melwood
  • romance


When Alexa was born, her Father was killed in a bar fight where his friend shot him in the head causing him to die almost instantly. Alexa's mother was left as a single mum to newborn baby Alexa and her 4 older brothers between the ages of 18 and 10. Her mother struggled feeding 5 kids so she and Alexa's eldest brother started selling drugs and got arrested for possession. Her Mother and brother made a lot of enemies because the drugs they sold were stolen from other crime families so they targeted Alexa and her brothers and killed all 3 of her other brothers just 2 days later. Archie, Alexa's 10 year old brother hid her under a blanket under their parents old bed so she was never found until a neighbour came round an hour later and heard Alexa's cries. Alexa was given a foster home until her mother would get out but then her mother died by being stabbed in the eye by her cellmate. Her brother escaped and kidnapped Alexa but in the process, he killed her foster parents and one of her foster sisters by setting their house on fire. He was found a day later and Alexa was returned to the orphanage and hasn't been lucky enough to be fostered or adopted since then. That was until Melissa and Chris stumbled along.

When We Saw You There

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Our Girl
by Shipper102002