The Blood Hound
By QueenMary_L
  • Mystery / Thriller
  • blood
  • bloodhound
  • crazy
  • death
  • evil
  • maniac
  • mystery
  • mystery-thriller
  • psychopath
  • sociopath
  • suspense


Some call him El diablo. Others call him a demon. They say he lurks at night when prey are an easy catch. They say he has the intelligence of a superhuman but the build of a human. He's been declared unstoppable. He's untraceable and his real identity is yet to be discovered. Not one person who has laid eyes on him during his hunt has ever lived to see the light of day. He is brutal. He is the Blood Hound. But will his hunt be the cause of his downfall? Lieutenant Sawyer and his crew of Detectives are determined to find this man who has an eerie attraction to specific ladies in a specific line of work. He won't stop unless they stop him and they won't let him slip past their hands this time. This time they will uncover the Hound. -------------------------- 'For the evil created in man, was caused by man himself' ~Anonymous


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The Blood...
by QueenMary_L