The Militant Desert...
By varkdeboys
  • Adventure


Welcome to Serypa. It’s not a bad place, if you don’t mind the flashbang bright sun and lack of water. Oh, and the ragged. What are the ragged you ask? They’re the infected; the ones who aren’t human anymore. I don’t quite know where they came from, but I know they don’t care about anyone’s well being. They wonder around these dry lands looking for something, anything to sink their rotten and infected teeth into. You gotta be careful of them: they may look weak and slow, but I know as a fact that they are as fast as a cheetah and more attentive than a winter fox. Out here, if you can’t keep your head, you can’t survive. Stealth is key, and your only companion is the gun that you trust the most. It’s truly kill or be killed out here.

Serypa Part 1

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The Milit...
by varkdeboys