The Character Creat...
By figgyfan
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  • character
  • charries
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Since Character Creation seems to be the only thing I'm able to do right now I decided to remake this story into a Charrie Creation Guide for those of you who need it. The Creation Sheets are good if you have a plot already thought out and just need to flesh out what your main charrie is. Or if you want to write but have no story you can create a character and go from there. Those will be the first four chapters. After that I will talk about more opinionated stuff like what is so over used it makes me wanna toss the book and what makes me cry tears of joy when it appears. So if all you want is to make a charrie, take one of the guides and GO BECOME GOD :D *** I want to make it very clear that any of my own charries that I may or may not post here and the plot ideas that go with them are NOT for other people to use. Those charries are part of stories that I may or may not write in the future and I will not be happy if you steal them for any reason. If you wanna base your charries off of mine, feel free. Just don't steal the stories that go with them. No one wants to be a plagiarizer and I hope none of you want a pissed off figgy ;D***

Create a Character: Longest

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The Chara...
by figgyfan