By Teensnoworg
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We are in primary school almost 23 years ago. We were at the school doctor for the last time before we left school. For some time, there had been focus on men's sperm quality, and our school doctor had decided to investigate the sperm quality of all the boys who left school. It was a project she herself had started and, like a year later, she cost her the job. The school doctor was a lady in the midst of the half-press called Inger. She had a medical secretary, Marianne, who was well in the midst of the thieves. The survey consisted that the boys were given a plastic cup, and then we would just go to a room next door and play our cock until we arrived. Then she could examine our semen and keep statistics. There were of course some who were not excited about this study and who simply could not "deliver the item" because they could not get up. I had already discovered a couple of years ago that I could manage my release, actually as long as I wanted. It had given me a good reputation among the girls. I was handed my plastic cup and went into one of the two rooms that had been set for the investigation. Inside the room I threw my pants and started. I had no trouble keeping my erection, but I pulled out my release. I could hear that there was lively traffic in and out of the room next door. "I have no trouble keeping the erection but it will not really come". Inger stood right next to the table and looked at me. "Should I help you?" She asked, while she smiled at me. "Yes, thank you," I groaned and handed over the job to Inger. "Come in here, Marianne," she called, and Marianne entered the room. "We have to help this young gentleman."

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by Teensnoworg