Alternate Realities...
By plltwtvd1997
  • Fanfiction
  • bookthree
  • joshmitchell
  • kayleemitchell
  • magma
  • phantom
  • pyra
  • quinntate
  • seasonthree
  • smokescreen
  • theflash
  • veramitchell
  • verapyraseries
  • vesta


Vera Mitchell has been a superhero with the power of becoming fire or controlling fire all around her, called Pyra (like Pyro). She lost her family really young due to the Reverse Flash, who had a vendetta against Vera and Barry, supposedly because Vera had killed his sister sometime in the future. But when Barry goes back into time to save his family and creates Flashpoint, he also saves Vera family from burning alive because he knew that it changed Vera's life completely. So when Vera in Flashpoint gets to live a happy life with her mother Isabelle, father Lucas, her sister Kaylee, and her brother Josh, she is devastated at the thought that this isn't how her life is supposed to be. When Barry sets the timeline in place, Isabelle and Lucas are dead, but Kaylee and Josh are not, and they have powers of their own, too, falling for Cisco and Caitlin. Kaylee is known as Phantom, and Josh is known as Smokescreen. And old time friend from Earth 2, Quinn Tate, Earth 2 Pyra with a new name of Magma loves to come back to always lend a helping hand. Before two villains from the future that appear to be gods called Savitar and Vesta come back with a vengeance.


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by plltwtvd1997