It Takes Two (Slow...
By Tfios-forever
  • Fanfiction
  • twins


Lena has been in the system all her life. She has been thrown around to different foster homes a lot. This is her 15th but who's counting? This one is different than the others. She falls in love with her foster brother. She gets's caught flirting with him and is sent away, again. That's when she starts thinking of her biological family and why they would leave her like this. She decides to do some research and finds out her father is in prison and she has a sister. No information on her mother. Her sister is a rich girl that lives in California, sounds like she has a great family and life. Lena decides to surprise her with a surprise visit, not a legal one though. Her abusive foster parents wouldn't let her out of her room, so she sneaked out. Turns out her biological sister is her identical twin sister. Lena gets close with Laurel, her biological sister. They decide to get information on their real parents. They can't let anyone know about their relationship, which is hard since they look the same.

It Takes Two

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It Takes...
by Tfios-forever