This War is Ours...
By Rock_Boy_0303
  • Science Fiction
  • action
  • cyberpunk
  • future
  • futuristic
  • guns
  • mech
  • mecha
  • mechs
  • rebellion
  • romance
  • scifi
  • space
  • system
  • tyranny
  • vigilante
  • war


'Iron Ravens!' 'Rally! Rally to the far end!' 'This war...This war is ours!' Year 2149 - System of the First - Milky Way Galaxy/The Origin Galaxy The human race is glorified in their expanse of their strength. The power of their one empire is absolute, and all rebellion is crush immediately, under the great iron fist of the King. Their starships can smash through planets, and the whole of the Milky Way lie in their hands. Yet, on the verge, there is a war approaching. A war of revealing. A war of finding the truth. Yet their enemy is already known. Their enemy was their own doing. In the very heart of the origin galaxy, lies the Grand Collection of Celestial beings. The homeplace of the original humans. Yet, even where the leader of the great human empire resides, there is conflict. In the eyes of the common people, they are rebels, willing to over throw the perfect kingdom which the King has established. In the sight of the leaders, the rebels just stand in their way for true conquest and expansion. But, in their own eyes, and in the eyes of the pure and righteous, they are the only thing which could save the human race from the dictatorship of the King. They were the Iron Ravens. In this group, stands Brooke, a girl who has witnessed the brutality of the empire herself. Now, the story unfolds around her, as she begins to lead the rebellion alongside others, to take down the Tyranny of the somewhat invicible empire.

PART 1: Apocalypse

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This War...
by Rock_Boy_0303