Raised by Katherine...
By RedQueenLeo
  • Fanfiction
  • hunters
  • hybrids
  • katherinepierce
  • mikaelson
  • mysticfalls
  • originals
  • salvatore
  • thevampirediaries
  • vampires
  • werewolves
  • witches


Silva Diana Pierce was left in a basket out in the street on a cold winter night in New York City. Katherine, in a moment of weakness, picked up the child and could never let her go again. Naturally, she began to raise the girl to be a survivor just like her. In order to make sure she can defend herself, Katherine reached out to her contact in the witching community. She underwent a series of spells and rituals to turn one of her into the worlds first living ghost. She would in a sense become a poltergeist without being dead. Now she's on a mission with her mother to retrieve the moonstone, doppelgänger, and vampire from Mystic Falls to hand over to Klaus for freedom. What will everyone do when they find out Katherine has a weakness? [I only own my OC]

All's Fair in Love and War

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Raised by...
by RedQueenLeo