Knock Him Off His F...
By Shesco
  • Teen Fiction
  • angst
  • bestfriends
  • brawler
  • characterdevelopment
  • chosen
  • cute
  • darkeyes
  • drama
  • hate
  • love
  • mean
  • playboy
  • relationship
  • romance
  • streetfighter
  • teen
  • teenfiction
  • teenromance
  • texttospeech


His finger lightly touches the bottom of my chin, and he pushes my face upwards so that I'm looking into his eyes. Eyes that are solely on my lips. I can't help it. I bite them. "Oh, Delta," he whispers, quietly giggling under his breath. His laugh makes my heart beat faster. So fast, I can hear it pounding in my ears and rattling my bones. "I want to bite those lips of yours... so badly." ~ Xavier is a brawler. It's an absolute shame really, because Delta hates violence. She hates Xavier too. Or at least she thinks she does. But one lip bite and one hungry kiss might just be enough to flip her entire world upside down. And then all at once, desire comes crashing down on her like a tidal wave. ~ Start: October 5th 2017 End: July 7th 2018 WARNING: I wrote this book before I realized how typical and cliché character stereotypes were, so I apologize deeply if you cringe while reading this, but thank you boatloads if you do decide to anyways. Love you lots!


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Knock Him...
by Shesco