Class 5-E of Fowler...
By justchristijoy
  • Humor
  • adventure
  • badboys
  • drama
  • friendship
  • funny
  • highschool
  • humor
  • life
  • love
  • nanowrimo
  • nanowrimo2017
  • nerds
  • popular
  • random
  • romance
  • school
  • ships
  • teen
  • teenfiction
  • thesunsetawards


Class 5-E, the 5th period engineering class of Fowler High. You'd expect it to be filled with the stereotypical GT (which stands for gifted and talented) nerds or kids who accidentally picked the wrong elective. But actually, this class is filled with many different people with many different stories. And all of them chose to be in this, and none of them want to go out. This is mainly a story about them and how all of them impacted my life, for better and worse. During the school year, we all had developed a special bond that we hope could last for a very long time. It's like one big family, well, one big crazy idiotic family. Class 5-E isn't anything truly special, it's just the people in it who make it that way. And me? I'm Cassandra Joyce, just a random teenage girl who was hoping to have a drama free yearand be away from the spotlight. Unfortunately, some wishes don't come true.

♥︎summary & author's note♥︎

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Class 5-E...
by justchristijoy