Obsession and Warfa...
By _CasuallyMe
  • Romance
  • black
  • boss
  • change
  • houston
  • interracial
  • love
  • man
  • obsession
  • prostitute
  • rich
  • texas
  • warfare
  • white
  • woman


- "You know what, Mr. Edgings, you are playing major games that are messing with my mind, but I will not let you win. You will not be the victor of this battle, and I want to inform you now: I will not be finished with you until I get the answer I'm looking for." "And what makes you think that?" "The simple fact that you are attracted to me. Believe me, once I have you wrapped around this finger of mine," she displayed her index finger. "You are done for. Cheers to your sanity that will soon vanish, and to your denial that will soon be transformed into uncontrollable desire," we each took a sip of our white wine with vicious smirks. "Welcome to warfare, Ms. Thorne," I winked, setting my glass down. - Aaliyah Thorne is a high class escort, also known as an upperclass whore. She is very familiar with the ideology of men and business, along with the makeup of Houston, Texas. Aaliyah meets one man in particular who is secretly obsessed with her, and yet continues to toy with her mind and heart. Follow Aaliyah as she navigates her way through lust, obsession and warfare all in the backdrop of Houston.

Chapter One: Introductions

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by _CasuallyMe