Back To The Beginni...
By _SpaceHamster_
  • Fanfiction
  • comedy
  • fanfiction
  • hikaru
  • honey
  • honie
  • hostclub
  • kaoru
  • kyouya
  • kyoya
  • mori
  • ohshc
  • ouranhighschoolhostclub
  • romance
  • tamaki


It was torn, ripped apart with out a care. Even with the broken look I gave they laughed. From the ground to high up in the sky you wouldn't be able to notice, they had also torn me. ~{}~ "Who.. who do you think you are.." Rose shaky eyes never left the Shadowed ones of the self-centered twins "If you really think.. some stupid act will cover.. cover who you two really are.. " her eyes shifted to the floor as she turned her back. "You would be more self-centered than I thought." ~{}~ The last year of their middle school Foster Rose thought it was time to tell Hikaru how she felt for him. One love letter slipped in a desk, words of poetry writing beautifully, she had written it multiple times to be just perfect for her anxiety. She would never forget such words being turned and ripped right in front of her. She has changed for the better, is what she believed but maybe soon her way of her knew life will once again have colour. Having to transfer schools suddenly she is forced to see the darkening figures that changed her way "For the better"

Chapter 1

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by _SpaceHamster_