The Dick Gawd
By GenesisAmari
  • Fanfiction
  • boss
  • bwwm
  • cheating
  • drama
  • fanfiction
  • humor
  • interracial
  • joeanoai
  • josephanoai
  • leatianoai
  • leatijosephanoai
  • lies
  • mature
  • romance
  • romanreigns
  • smuttyfanfiction
  • wwe


Raelle Jackson is the perfect example of someone who followed the blueprint of success to the T, but even though she did all the right things, got the good grades, went to the right school, got that good job....she still wasnt happy. Stuck in a relationship that should have ended years ago she feels like she is on a never ending rollercoaster of misery. That is until she meets the man whom by every standards is the one that no mother would want for her daughter. Yes he is gorgeous but he is also powerful, cocky, arrogant and could charm the panties off of a rattlesnake. He is everything the blueprint says to avoid but how do you avoid the man who is now signing off on your paychecks and is determined to have you in his bed with your ass up and your face down? Maybe you dont, maybe you throw the blueprint out the window, suspend your inhibitions and allow yourself to be taken to the edge of sexual madness and back again by the one who calls himself the Dick Gawd Roman Reigns.


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The Dick...
by GenesisAmari