River Song "Al...
By FuchsiaSong
  • Fanfiction
  • doctorwho
  • eighthdoctor
  • eleventhdoctor
  • fifthdoctor
  • firstdoctor
  • fourthdoctor
  • ninthdoctor
  • riversong
  • seconddoctor
  • seventhdoctor
  • sixthdoctor
  • tardis
  • tenthdoctor
  • thirddoctor
  • timelines
  • timewar
  • twelfthdoctor
  • wardoctor


River Song has always wanted the chance to know her husband better, but not even River can ever truly know the Doctor, an elusive and impossible man who has lived so many lives across time and space...But maybe the TARDIS has other ideas. So lets put aside love crossed time lines and paradoxes. This is what happens when River Song meets every single incarnation of the Doctor. "....When I look at the Doctor, I see my Doctor, that skinny bow tie, fez wearing, impossible, mad man with a box, the kindest and daftest person, who with a sudden "nose bopping" smile can make me go all fluttery and weak at the knees...But I know he can be cruel sometimes, I have felt his wrath, a lonely God who does not like endings. And then there are times when I think I have only scratched the surface that I have never really known the Doctor at all when I remember his many lives that have gone before. The Doctor is a legend, a reluctant hero to so many but also a feared tyrant to others, I sometimes wonder if he ever envisaged his life turning out like this when he ran away from his people all those years ago? But I don't delve too far back into his past, I'm the Doctor's wife, not his biographer...."

"River's Confession"

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River Son...
by FuchsiaSong