The daughter of Zeus
By wearestars9
  • Fantasy
  • daughter
  • greek
  • mythology
  • olympus
  • wow
  • zeus


Hi I am the daughter of Zeus king of the gods and god of the sky and my name Amelia my mom is the queen the gods Hera the goddess of marriage . Your probably like Zeus and Hera didn't have a daughter , well they kept me pretty well hid only the gods of Olympus knew about me they each protested a gift on me Athena wisdom to outsmart others Apollo singing Amertis to be great hunter Ares to be a great warrior in battle Aphrodite well to be as beautiful has her And from dad he made the best cyclops to forge me a mini lightning bolt like my dad Zeus That's a lot of gifts to keep up with to ! I will turn 19next week And on my birthday their are birthday crashes Oh and my dad surprisingly forgot to tell me in the 18 years I have been alive that I am suppose to marry hades son to stop hades from steeling the throne from my dad . Real professional dad . professional . =========================== Hope you like it Enjoy and Amelia's crazy adventure

The daughter of zeus

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The daugh...
by wearestars9