By LolasBlue
  • Action
  • action
  • emotional
  • family
  • fighting
  • friends
  • guns
  • lies
  • love
  • mafia
  • murder
  • romance


Figures is about a girl named Rachel who is taking the forms of other people in order to keep her psycho aunt from finding her. Five years past and no one has come knocking on her door with a chainsaw..yet. On her way home from another day of pretending she comes across a stray dog, at least she thought he was a stray. The dog leads her to an alleyway where she witnesses a drug exchange. Scared and confused she quickly takes action and hides behind the wall beside her, letting the dog run to one of the drug dealers. It's not long after that the drug dealers part ways and what she assumes is the dog's owner heads her way. Running out of ideas of where to hide she hears a voice behind her. " Hey." says the possible druggie as he inches closer. Before she can even decided what to do she is hit over the head with something and knocked unconscious. When she awakens Rachel finds herself in a dimly lit room the nothing but a chair and a desk. " Hello?" she calls out in hopes of receiving an answer to know she isn't alone. "Quiet" says a deep, husky voice. Looking around she manages to see a average height figure in the distance. "Who are you? Where am I?" she says in a shaky voice. "You are at my headquarters dearie and starting today you are a new member of my team." says the mysterious man. Finding no other way to answer she instead asks a question. " I'll ask again, Who are you?" she says sternly. " Who am I? You should be asking who WE are." he says. " I'll answer both to suit your fancy. I am Wyatt Gardener and we are the Figures.

Chapter 1: New Life New Problems

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by LolasBlue