Red Wolf
By wolfeccino
  • Werewolf
  • romance
  • rouge
  • supernatural
  • werewolf


I have always been considered a lone wolf. After my parents were murdered when I was 17, I left my so-called pack. No one ever looked for me, and who would? There, I was an omega. The smallest wolf in the pack. In human form, I wasn't even 5'1". For wolves, that was extremely rare. Most wolves, even females were a minimum of 5'5". The average is closer to 5'7". I was always treated like a child even once I was able to shift at 16. I was a loner even within my pack, and kept to myself. I kept myself busy by reading, and was always called a nerd, even by the humans in our town. I have had eggs thrown at me and ice cold water dumped on me. However, that just made me train more on my own and work to become stronger. Five years later, and I still am holding my own, even when I am constantly required to move around, since wolves like me are referred to as rouges. Most rogues are vicious and relentless. They tend to resent pack life since most of them have been banished from living within a pack. Me? I just hated my former pack. Being on my own has made it a lot easier for me. I may never stay in one place, but if I were, it would be within the mountains. I am a red wolf with hazel eyes from Ireland, and you guessed it. I am also a redhead in my human form.

Chapter 1

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Red Wolf
by wolfeccino