By YlCero
  • Werewolf
  • action
  • alpha
  • hunt
  • mafia
  • mate
  • pack
  • romance
  • wattys2018
  • werewolf
  • wolf


Diane Moon's fate was altered when Clein, her twin sister, stole her identity and used all of her spectacular lies and drama to cover it up. Diane was forbidden from going inside the Moon Mason until she had grown up and learned not to care for her family in the slightest. Since she was born a brash and free-spirited woman, Diane proved she could succeed despite her parents' constant disapproval of her demeanors. Unintentionally, when she was abducted after the celebration in Ravenstone City, she piqued Sun Gunnar, the rogue big boss' interest. But Diane would never want to invest her feelings in the evil man who was determined to destroy her friends. Instead of love, it was hatred she harbored for him. Even so, Moon Goddess butted in. In the midst of a renegade hunt, she was kidnapped for the second time. Unexpectedly, Sun Gunnar's obsession was what kept her alive. Would compelling an alpha blood to remain in the rogue big boss's lair be an easy way to convince her to change her mind? Would Sun's captivating personality be sufficient to change her steadfast resistance? ©2017 by YlCero All rights reserved


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by YlCero