1-800-KINK-ME-UP (H...
By afearofcarpets
  • Teen Fiction
  • absent
  • bipolar
  • blackmail
  • craziness
  • dog
  • finding
  • love
  • operator
  • parents
  • phone
  • sadist
  • self
  • teenager
  • war


I cover my mouth. The sensation of his lips against mine is still very apparent, real, earth-shattering. Shaken, my voice peels out from beneath my fingers, "Did you just-" "Yeah.." He grips the back of my head, threads his long, nimble fingers through my unruly hair and draws me closer to his face, "I kissed you." He removes my hand from my mouth, pads my bottom lip with his thumb, "Mind if I do it again?" "You may not." Hero has her fair share of issues. She holds conversations with kitchenware, works as a phone sex operator (while lacking the proper experience), and ninjas her way into boy's restrooms. But her problems triple the moment she learns that the vacant house across the lane is now occupied with new neighbors. She finds her routine interrupted by a particular boy, her absentee mother making a comeback seventeen years late, her bestfriend blinded by infatuation and her own feelings being tested; could this girl possibly live up to her name and somehow overcome?

breadbox & a letter

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by afearofcarpets