Survival Love
By Stormy_knightt
  • Romance


Lily and Jack are two kids that cant be away from each other. They do everything together, everything that you can imagine. Jack has to leave back to California to attend his dad funeral, this was heart-breaking for both of them. Years pass by and Lily finally turned 15, but had no one to celebrate it. Finally Jack moves back to Carson City, Nevada.The goverment decides to do a post-apocalyptic project because the world is over populated. Each family gets a number and apparently Jack and Lily get the same number. Each box will have a phenomenon to delete the population but there is a secret exit to each one of the cubes, who ever gets out needs to report to Box #1 to count population. Jack gets invited to the military but Lily won't let him. As soon as he leaves, Lily goes after him and stays with him. The day comes when the "end of the world" starts. In their box they have a flood. They make it out alive but have to travel a long way to Box #1. They soon find out that the goverment had done something to them.

Survival Love

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by Stormy_knightt