Home (Sciles AU)
By paris_girl22
  • Fanfiction
  • abusiverelationship
  • allisonargent
  • children
  • exboyfriend
  • familylife
  • love
  • lydiamartin
  • melissamccall
  • noahstilinski
  • recovering
  • relationships
  • sciles
  • scottmccall
  • singleparentscott
  • singleparentstiles
  • stilesstilinski
  • teenwolf


It has been 10 years since Scott, Stiles and the rest of their friends graduated high school. Their lives went in completely different directions after high school, and unfortunately, the two best friends lost touch and never saw each other after graduation. They both regret it, but life happens. They eventually find partners and have kids. Life seems pretty good, until everything stops being good. The fairytale ending becomes more of a horror story, particularly for Stiles. He has to escape the relationship that he is in so he can protect his daughter from harm. Lydia and Isaac, his two closest friends after all this time, help him in any way that they can. Scott's marriage doesn't last and he has full custody of his son. His friends Allison, Kira, Malia and Liam help him out if Scott ever needs it. One day, Scott and Stiles' worlds will collide unexpectedly once more. Will they be able to pick up their friendship from where they left off, or is it too late? Or are there perhaps new feelings there that weren't there before? Note: There is no supernatural in this story. Story cover made by: @stiles24stilinski

Chapter 1

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Home (Sci...
by paris_girl22