- Werewolf
- admitting
- alpha
- anger
- angry
- annoyance
- annoying
- art
- askingout
- attacked
- attitude
- baby
- baby-bunch
- babybunch
- badguys
- bakery
- barbecue
- bear
- beginning
- benches
- benifits
- betrayal
- biting
- bitten
- blood
- bowling
- boys
- brave
- breakup
- breakups
- cathy
- chained
- change
- characters
- charles
- chase
- classes
- come
- confusion
- crazy
- crying
- cuddling
- dana
- date
- dating
- death
- depressed
- detention
- discussions
- doctor
- doughuts
- drained
- dress
- driving
- drowning
- drunk
- elle
- embaressed
- end
- ending
- enemys
- escape
- falling
- family
- fans
- feelings
- feild
- fight
- fighting
- fights
- freinds
- friend
- friends
- frogs
- george
- goodbyes
- grounded
- growling
- guys
- hangover
- harley
- helping
- hike
- home
- hookups
- hostage
- house
- injuries
- invitations
- jealousy
- jelousy
- kiss
- kissing
- knife
- knockedout
- letters
- life
- lineups
- love
- luna
- lunch
- mall
- mate
- mates
- mean
- memories
- men
- mess
- molly
- moving
- msyterious-friend
- music
- mute
- mysterious
- new
- news
- nicknames
- oldladys
- ordered
- pack
- packhouse
- pain
- painting
- paradise
- party
- patrol
- phone
- piggybacks
- pool
- pov
- promise
- protecting
- proud
- questioning
- rabies
- raiden
- realization
- rude
- running
- sad
- sadness
- saviour
- scare
- scared
- school
- sequel
- shocked
- shopping
- sienna
- sister
- sleepovers
- speech
- spiderman
- story
- suprised
- surprises
- swimming
- teachers
- tears
- teddybear
- test
- thanks
- therapist
- thoughts
- thugs
- tic-tack-toe
- tired
- training
- trap
- trouble
- truth
- unknown
- van
- venna
- vince
- violence
- voice
- walks
- waterfall
- wise
- wolf
- wolves
- wussy
- yelling
I was not expecting to turn into werewolf on my 16th birthday, definitely not expecting the word Mate to be real and very legit and like the god damn cherry on top my parents joined us to a pack and moved me, my brother and sisters away from our only life we knew. I guess you could say I was suprised but that would be the biggest understatement of the year. The only thing I'm thinking about right now is well things could've been alot worse...... shit I really shouldn't have said that, I pretty much just jinxed myself. Sienna was 16 when her life was turned upside down. Turning into a werewolf was not part of her plan neither was moving or finding her mate. She believed her life was perfect before moving but now she see's it for what It really was...... a mess but now her life is more messy then ever will she ever be able to clean it up?