The Vampuric Witch...
By DraculenavonHellsing
  • Fanfiction
  • gyspsygirl
  • lestatdelioncourt
  • lovetriangle
  • ocxoc
  • originalcharacter
  • royalty
  • vampire
  • witch


A story of old, 210 years ago Helene was a normal witch royal living for her people, came to an end when the humans burnt her entire kingdom to the ground. Helene managed to escape, only to see her kingdom burning to the ground hearing the screams of her people and parents. ten years later now a beautiful gypsy playing her violen for all to see luring everyone to her grasp and killing the humans just as they killed her people, She meets a man with golden hair and gray eyes. she made the mistake of luring Lestat into a alleyway without an escape then tried to kill him. He gave her "the choice he never had". Choosing to be a vampire to continue her rage. Only to become a even stronger witch with the vampire power's and fangs, thirst for blood and yet seem completely human. She became known as The Vampireic Witch. Fear, love, revenge, and regret. Lestat and Helene started to travel together however, will a love will bloom between them?

a note to all

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The Vampu...
by DraculenavonHellsing