Sorry! It Was A Dar...
By tr_trin
  • Teen Fiction
  • arondestaing
  • atrip
  • brittanycalvert
  • dare
  • liking
  • love
  • nathanmorails
  • punch
  • samcalvert
  • sarahmorails
  • truth
  • whatifs


Heart pounding against my chest, I watched the spinning bottle slowing coming to a halt. I prayed for it to not stop at me but much to my annoyance, the tip of the empty wine bottle stopped facing me. " I dare you to punch the first person you see after you step out of this house...! ", Nathan told me the dare and I let out a sigh of defeat. " Fine. Let's get this done. ", I said before walking out the door. At first I couldn't see anyone on the road and I was relieved. That's untill I heard footsteps. I peeked out further to check who the unlucky person was and it turned out to be Sam. Samuel Calvert! Our School Valedictorian and my secret crush since sophomore year. --- Sam pinned me against the wall as his face closed into mine. My heart racing at an unbelievable speed. " You are the one who punched me that night!? I can't believe this! ", he asked as his teeth gritted against each other. " Sorry... it was a dare. " --- (I wrote this when I was 15, please excuse the cringe...)

✌ Introduction ✌

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Sorry! It...
by tr_trin