IshRa FF - Yeh Lamh...
By FreeSpirit1717
  • Fanfiction


Based on the original story line of YHM, this story is about Ishita and Raman dealing with a rift in their (budding) relationship, soon after the revelation pertaining to Mrs.Iyer's accident. The story will further explore, how they come to terms with their feelings for each other and finally come together as a couple. I have always felt that Mrs.Iyer's accident track should have been a turning point in IshRa's relationship. While it broke Ishita's trust in Raman, eventually it should have brought them closer and helped them forge an unbreakable bond. And that is what I hope to achieve in this story. Please note that the basic story line and most of the incidents that happened before the accident track remain the same But I have taken the liberty to make a few changes and move things around a bit, which will be evident to the readers as the story progresses.

Chapter -1 Right, Wrong Or Just Plain Broken!

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IshRa FF...
by FreeSpirit1717